In questo mondo nel quale l’intelligenza artificiale sta spopolando, ho scoperto un divertente sito che analizza le tue playlist Spotify ed emette un giudizio sulla “bontà” dei tuoi gusti musicali.

Il sito si chiama “How Bad is Your Spotify”.

Eccovi i suoi giudizi in merito alle mie playlist:


Thank your obsessions with Roy Orbison, mellow gold, and (I’ve Had) The Time of My Life – From “Dirty Dancing” Soundtrack for that.

Based on your listening habits, I can also tell you your Spotify was…

  • gaga-cooper-makeout bad
  • still-watching-vh1-divas-live-clips bad
  • napping-in-your-mancave bad
  • uncles-rat-pack-poker-night bad
  • making-a-big-deal-about-your-birthday bad
  • Unfortunately that’s not all I learned:

You listen to these too much:

  • I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston
  • Purple Rain by Prince
  • Dindondio – Acoustic Version by Zucchero
  • Think by Aretha Franklin
  • Footloose – From “Footloose” Soundtrack by Kenny Loggins

You stan these artists to an uncomfortable extent:

  • Brunori Sas
  • Coma_Cose
  • Adele
  • René Aubry
  • Blind

You are 8% basic. Ron and Angelo Branduardi? Where do you even find this?.

You’re stuck in the early 2010s. You only listen to Obama-era jams like Diamonds by Rihanna and La musica non c’è by Coez.

Analysis completed in 4.012 exhausting seconds.

I guess the important thing is that your music makes you feel good…

Shutting down.


Ha avuto il coraggio di prendermi in giro perchè ascolto Ron & Branduardi:


Views: 26